
1. 今天是教師節,教育部長吳清基分別寫給全國老師及家長一封信,除了向全國老師表達最高的敬意和最誠摯的感謝外,也懇請家長提醒孩子,向平時諄諄教導、循循善誘、默默奉獻的老師,大聲說出「敬愛的老師,謝謝您!祝您教師節快樂!」

Today is Teachers’ Day. The minister of the Ministry of Education 吳清基 writes two letters for teachers and parents which not only expresses his highest honor and biggest appreciation but also earnestly requests parents for reminding their children to speak out “Happy Teachers’ Day” to their teachers who untiringly teach them with patience and skill in daily life and contributes themselves to the educational field.

2. 全國教師工會總聯合會號召地方縣市教師工會,設置「親師諮詢專線」,希望藉由親師諮詢專線的設置,做為老師、家長和學校間的溝通管道,減少家長和老師因為溝通不良,以及輔導管教問題所出現的紛爭,能夠打造出更友善的校園。

National Federation of Teachers’ Labor Union calls upon local teachers’ labor unions to establish a special telephone line for the counseling service of parents. It hopes to provide a platform of communication for teachers, parents and schools to avoid issues coming from improper conversation and teaching and form a better learning environment.

3. 臺灣省教育會公布「中小學教師教育議題調查」結果,發現老師對於當前教育政策比較滿意的前五項,分別為:幼托合一、小班小校、教師組織工會、高職免學費、以及十二年國教,而老師最關心教育政策的前五名,是私立學校教職員退休撫卹、北北基聯測、廣社高中職大學、一綱多本及小班小校。調查可以做為政府推動教育改革的參考。

Taiwan Education Association announces the result of investigation toward educational topics for discussion for elementary school and junior high school teachers. The top five topics which the teachers are satisfied with the most are integration of nursery education, small-scale classes in small-scale school, the establishment of teachers’ labor union, cost-free program for vocational high school and 12-year compulsory education. As for the top five educational policies which the teachers care about the most are the pension for teaching staff in private schools, the joint entrance examination for students of Taipei and Keelung area, the establishment of senior and vocational high schools and colleges, single outline with multi-edition of textbook, small-scale classes in small-scale school. The investigation may be a good reference for official promotion of educational reformation.

4. 新北市教育局這個學年度持續舉辦「進城看藝術」活動,5萬8千多位新北市國小4年級學生,從即日起到11月23號,將分成44個梯次,到新北市政府欣賞藝術表演,同時在演出中學習劇場禮儀。

Education Bureau of New Taipei City Government keeps holding an activity called “Going to Town for Watching Arts” in this semester. More than fifty-eight thousand students who are studying in the 4th grade of elementary schools in New Taipei City will be divided into forty-four groups to watch arts performance and learn theatre etiquette from now on till November 23rd.

5. 行政院新聞局與Discovery頻道合作推出《臺灣無比精采:走進總統府》和《臺灣無比精采:百年風華》系列節目,將從10月2號起在Discovery頻道播出。總統馬英九表示,透過節目播出,可以讓我們重新發現臺灣,也讓在臺灣的人,重新發現自己,更可以讓世界上其他國家的人發現臺灣是無比精采!

Government Information Office cooperates with channel Discovery to promote a series of TV programs-“Stepping forward to presidential palace” and “The grace of a hundred years” which will be broadcasted in Discovery from October 2nd. President 馬英九 indicates that the programs may help us rediscover our country and make people who stay in Taiwan be able to find themselves out. Moreover, by broadcasting the program, people all over the world will discover how amazing Taiwan is.

6. 您知道老人家最常發生的意外事故有哪些嗎?第一是交通事故,第二就是跌倒,而透過事先的預防措施就可以減少意外發生。花蓮門諾醫院設計預防查核表,簡單易懂,讓大家一起幫老人家的安全把關。衛生局強調預防觀念的重要性,同時希望子女多關心長輩的健康。

Do you know what the accidents which the old men may meet up the most often are? Traffic accident is the fist, and falling down comes the next. We can reduce or avoid the accident if we pay more attention to the prevention. 花蓮 Mennonite Hospital design a check and inspect form for the prevention which is easy to realize for people to help the old men with keeping them safe. Department of Health emphasizes the importance of prevention as well as hopes children to care more about the health of the old men.


To respond to 2011 national beach-cleaning activity in fall, 屏東 county government will hold a beach-cleaning activity at 白沙灣 in 恆春 area at 2pm. today. About six hundred volunteers will take part in it to clean some sandy beaches including 白沙灣、南灣、大灣、小灣 and the beach at鵝鑾鼻 port. Because typhoon Nan Madol bring lots of rain and strong wind, the beaches become messy and dirty . By holding the activity, it hopes to recover the original beautiful scenery.

(2011-09-28 09:24:29 洪秋玉)

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